Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Worry?

The first 3 verses in my reading this morning in Acts 9 really caught my attention. Saul was still not saved and was "breathing out threats against the disciples of the Lord". OOHHH scary, n'est-ce pas? He got permission from the authorities to do what he wanted with them. I guess he kind of forgot about another authority. Since 1 Peter was still not written, I guess he didn't know about

ch. 3:21, ".... Jesus Christ, who has gone into Heaven
and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities
and powers having been made subject to Him".

So Saul is heading to Damascus with letters to bring men and women who followed the Lord Jesus to bring them bound to Jerusalem. Here's the catch...

"As he journeyed he came NEAR TO DAMASCUS, and suddenly a light
shone round about him from Heaven, Then he fell to the ground and
heard a voice......" Acts 9:3,4

Saul did get NEAR To DAMASCUS! God allowed him to get only so close to his intended destination before He stopped him in his tracks! Before he ever got to Damascus, he was a follower of Jesus Christ and was a changed man. From then on his greatest desire was to see the unsaved saved and believers built up in the "most holy faith".

How encouraging! I HAVE to remember this.

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